Deborah McGregor, Anishinabe, Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair: Indigenous Environmental Justice. Osgoode Hall Law School and Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, York University. Professor McGregor’s research has focused on Indigenous knowledge systems in diverse contexts including environmental and water governance, environmental and climate justice, health and Indigenous legal traditions. Professor McGregor remains actively involved in a variety of Indigenous communities, serving as an advisor and continuing to engage in community-based research and initiatives. Professor McGregor has been at the forefront of Indigenous environmental and climate justice and Indigenous research theory and practice. Her work has been shared through the IEJ project website
Madhur Anand is full professor in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of Guelph. She is an internationally recognized ecologist with research interests ranging from theoretical to empirical studies of natural and human-induced changes in ecosystems at regional and global scales and their implications for sustainability. Her scientific research has been supported by a number of awards including two Canada Research Chairs. Dr. Anand is also an awarding-winner author at Penguin Random House Canada, writing at the interface of arts and sciences. Her debut collection of poems A New Index for Catastrophes, was published to international acclaim in 2015. Her second book of poems “Parasitic Oscillations” was a Globe and Mail Top 100 best book published in 2022. Her debut book of creative nonfiction “This Red Line Goes Straight to Your Heart” won the Governor General’s Literary Award in 2020. She will be publishing her first novel in Spring 2025.
Mark Terry, PhD, is a Contract Faculty member at York University, Toronto, and Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario. He teaches courses on ecocinema, geomedia, environmental communication, and film history. He is also a distinguished Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and an invested member of the Order of Vaughan.
Mark Robinson is a television meteorologist and storm chaser. He co-hosts the television series Storm Hunters and Unearthed, has appeared on the television series Angry Planet, and has made numerous other media appearances. In 2015, Robinson was named one of Canada’s 100 greatest modern-day explorers by Canadian Geographic, and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographic Society.
The Critical Refugee and Migration Studies Collective
Thy Phu is a Distinguished Professor of Race, Diaspora and Visual Justice at the Department of Arts, Culture, and Media. After completing her PhD at the University of California Berkeley, and a Mellon postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Toronto, she joined Western University, where for more than a decade, she taught courses on visual studies, cultural theory, and Asian North American culture.
Maral Aguilera-Moradipour is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Arts, Culture, and Media at the University of Toronto Scarborough where her areas of interest include critical refugee studies, anticolonial and Indigenous thought, and digital humanities. Maral received her PhD from Western University (2020), has taught at King’s University College, and is the 2022 recipient of the F. E. L. Priestley Prize for her article, “Celestial and Terrestrial Constellations: Relationality and Migration in Rebecca Belmore’s Biinjiya’iing Onji (From Inside).” She fled Iran as a refugee and has lived in the Great Lakes area since childhood.

Muna-Udbi Abdulkadir Ali is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Environment and Urban Change (EUC) at York University. Trained as an interdisciplinary scholar, Ali’s primary research interests include diverse fields such as Black studies, critical race studies, postcolonial studies, Black feminist studies, criminology, transnational feminism, queer studies, environmental justice, media studies, public pedagogy, and public policy (specifically immigration, refugee, health and welfare policies)